Fair Game
At the very beginning of a round the Service generates a random long number from 0 to 1 (e.g. 0.282796734) and encrypts it through the md5 algorithm. The result is displayed at the beginning of a round.

At the end of the round the Service multiplies the number by the general number of all tickets thus getting the number of a winner.

An example: At the end of a round the general deposit is 1000 (there are 1000000 tickets in the game), a generated number was 0.282796734.

The Service multiplies the number 0.282796734 by 1000000 thus getting the number of a winner 282796 that is being displayed at the moment of a raffle.

A Fair Game Principle: we can’t know a tickets number that is displayed at the end of a round in advance and the multiplied random number is generated at the very beginning of a game. That is why we have no opportunity to influence the results of a raffle.

Round number
Random fractional number from 0 to 1 (example: 0.8612523461234567)

MD5 hash encrypted string: round number, used to prove the integrity of the game.

0.01 = 10 tickets

Winning ticket Formula:
floor(count tickets * round number) = win ticket
(function floor - Round fractions down. Example: 7.25 ~ 7).

Check the game
You can use this tool to make sure you do not cheat, and calculate the number of the win ticket.


Round number:

Count tickets: